Student Chapter Meetings
ACCA Student Chapter Meeting
Imperial College London
Wednesday February 17th 2016
The fourth Student Chapter meeting of the Applied and Computational Complex Analysis network took place at Imperial College London on Wednesday, February 17th, 2016. It consisted of presentations by current PhD graduate students and visitors from Japan working generally in the area of ACCA. The aim of these events is to provide an informal forum for the exchange of ideas and to provide feedback. The presentations are not expected to be wholly on completed work; research in progress can also be discussed.
Location: Room 747, Huxley Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College
Time: 2 - 5:30pm
Opening remarks by Prof. Darren Crowdy:

14:00-14:30: Prof. Kiori Obuse (Okayama University): "Behaviour of treadmilling swimmers in 2D Stokes flow"

14:30-15:00: Bjorn Berntson (UCL): "Integrable delay-differential equations"

15:00-15:10: Short break
15:10-15:40: Andrew Swan (Cambridge): "Global statistics of banded random matrices and the Poisson/Gaudin-Mehta conjecture"

15:40-16:10: Prof. Toshiaki Itoh (Doshisha University): "Discretization of Schwarzian Derivative"

16:10-16:30: Coffee break
16:30-17:30: Closing Seminar by Prof. Mark Blyth from University of East Anglia: "Application of complex variable methods to some nonlinear wave problems", in Lecture Theatre 140.

ACCA Student Chapter Meeting
Imperial College London
Wednesday November 11th 2015
The third Student Chapter meeting of the Applied and Computational Complex Analysis network took place at Imperial College London on Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 between 2-5pm. It consisted of presentations by current PhD graduate students and postdocs working generally in the area of ACCA. The aim of these events is to provide an informal forum for the exchange of ideas and to provide feedback. The presentations are not expected to be wholly on completed work; research in progress can also be discussed.
Location: Room 747, Huxley Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College
Time: 2-5pm
14:00-14:10: Opening remarks
14:10-14:30: Vikas Krishnamurthy (Imperial): "Hollow vortices in weakly compressible flows"
14:30-14:50: Bin Xue (UCL): "Analytical and numerical construction of steady vortex patches"
14:50-15:10: Ellen Dowie (Kent): "Rational Solutions of Soliton Equations"
15:10-15:40: Coffee break
15:40-16:00: Olga Trichtchenko (UCL): "Solutions to Euler's equations for water waves"
16:00-16:20: Sam Brzezicki (Imperial): "Analysis of the triple contact point in electrowetting"
16:20-16:40: Grego Benincasa (UCL): "Schlesinger transformations for the Painlevé equations from the anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equations"
ACCA Student Chapter Meeting
Imperial College London
Thursday Nov 6th 2014
The second Student Chapter meeting of the Applied and Computational Complex Analysis network took place at Imperial College London on Nov 6th between 1pm - 5pm. It consisted of some informal presentations by current PhD graduate students and postdocs working generally in the area of ACCA. The aim of these events is to provide an informal forum for the exchange of ideas and to provide feedback. The presentations are not expected to be wholly on completed work; research in progress can also be discussed.
1.00pm: Oliver Southwick (UCL): "A point vortex model for the formation of ocean eddies by flow separation"
Olly Southwick speaking on modelling geophysical eddies with the Brown-Michael equations
1.30pm: Michael Dallaston (Oxford): "Free boundary Hele-Shaw flow with kinetic undercooling regularisation"
Michael Dallaston discusses the kinetic undercooling regularization of the Hele-Shaw problem
2.30pm: Parham Hashemzadeh (Cambridge): "A numerical technique for linear elliptic PDEs in polygonal domains"
Parham Hashemzadeh presents his numerical effectivization of the unified transform method for elliptic PDEs
3.00pm: Jonathan Marshall (Imperial): "Free boundary flows around obstacles''
Jonathan Marshall takes us through his approach to the mathematics of injection molding
3.30-4.00pm: Refreshments in Fifth Floor Common Room (Huxley).
Closing seminar
4.00pm - 5.00pm : Dr Euan Spence (Bath): "Is the Helmholtz equation really sign indefinite?", Huxley 340
ACCA Student Chapter Meeting
Imperial College London
Tuesday May 13th 2014
The first Student Chapter meeting of the Applied and Computational Complex Analysis network took place at Imperial College London on May 13th between 1pm - 5pm. It consisted of some informal presentations by current PhD graduate students working generally in the area of ACCA. The aim of these events is to provide an informal forum for the exchange of ideas and to provide feedback. The presentations are not expected to be wholly on completed work; research in progress can also be discussed.
A seminar by Professor Peter Clarkson (University of Kent) on "Vortices and polynomials" concluded the afternoon's activities.
Location: 747 Huxley Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College
13.00: Opening remarks (Darren Crowdy)
13.15: Elena Luca (PhD student, Imperial College):
"Solving Wiener-Hopf problems without kernel factorization"
13.45: James Smith (PhD student, University of Kent)
"The special function solutions to Painleve V"
14.15: Short break
14.30: Kasia Kozlowska (PhD student, University of Reading):
"Riemann-Hilbert problems and their applications related to the asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants"
15.00: Ali Khalid (PhD student, UCL)
"Unsteady translating bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell"
15.30: Refreshments
16:00 - 17:00: Seminar by Peter Clarkson [Room 130, Huxley Building]: "Vortices and polynomials"
Ali Khalid finishing his lecture on time-dependent Hele-Shaw flows
Kasia Kozlowska giving her talk on Riemann-Hilbert problems and Toeplitz determinants
James Smith giving his talk, "The special function solutions to Painleve V"